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Why Thinking and Experiencing Fast is More Important than your degrees

Why Thinking and Experiencing Fast is More Important for Your Career Than Your Degree

👨‍👩‍👦 Yes ,  Thinking and experiencing fast will make your careers, not your degrees ! 

Parents endlessly fight with others on how to bring up their children. We, as parents, also argue about how to approach problems and other aspects of our parenting.

One bone of contention is the idea of education for our only child.

💭 I feel speed of experience  is perpetually undervalued when it comes to building a career. I have been disappointed with the Indian education system throughout my life and want my child to bypass its demerits.

 I believe that my son should not waste much time in the regressive education systems we have !

 I believe that my son should start a business instead of pursuing a multinational job. 

💼 Simply put, my experience shows that running a business is easier than doing a job. 

Starting a business today means you begin learning immediately and have more time to figure out what works. 

It also means you begin learning immediately to figure out if your education system can train or teach you. 

Yes, I have been slow in my business by many standards, but that does not mean I'm not content with life. This implies that I have moved at my own pace, speed, and space.

It clearly indicates that running a corporate rat race was not my cup of tea.

⏭️ Going fast in this context, according to me, is about 'figuring out your skills and habits that will make your career fast'. Yes, the future is never guaranteed, and the right time may never come. 

After all, you are the average of the inherent habits you repeat most and some luck.

🤝 Many people won't attempt something worthwhile unless they can find an example or a scapegoat of someone else who is already doing it. 

Relying on this type of thought too much, and you'll never do anything interesting or big first. Always remember, your path through life is unique. 

Yes, it is important to extract lessons from the experiences of others, but you can't wait for a perfect example to take action. 

                     You are the example. Your experience is an example. 

               Why Thinking and Experiencing Fast is More Important  than your degrees

Your success depends on the experience of how you handle problems,

not the degrees you have acquired


  1. I completely agree with the perspective shared in this blog post. In today's rapidly changing world, the ability to think and experience fast is becoming increasingly crucial for career success. While degrees may provide a foundation of knowledge, they often fail to equip individuals with the practical skills and adaptability needed in real-world scenarios.

    The author's emphasis on valuing the speed of experience over traditional education systems is noteworthy. The conventional education system can be limiting and may not always align with the fast-paced demands of the modern workplace.

    Starting a business allows individuals to learn by doing and provides an opportunity to experiment, make mistakes, and iterate quickly. The notion that success depends on how one handles problems, rather than the degrees they hold, is refreshing. Problem-solving skills, adaptability, and the ability to think critically are highly valued in today's professional landscape.

    It's important to acknowledge that everyone's path is unique, and waiting for a perfect example or relying solely on the experiences of others can hinder personal growth.

    In conclusion, valuing the ability to think and experience fast, coupled with practical problem-solving skills, is becoming increasingly important in shaping a successful career. Degrees certainly have their place, but they should be complemented by continuous learning, adaptability, and the courage to forge one's own path. It's inspiring to see a shift in mindset that encourages individuals to focus on their abilities and experiences rather than solely relying on traditional educational qualifications.

  2. The article raises an important point about the value of experience and practical skills in building a successful career, as opposed to solely relying on degrees. It emphasizes the need for individuals, particularly parents, to question traditional education systems and consider alternative paths for their children.

    Starting a business is presented as a viable option, allowing for immediate learning and exploration of personal strengths. The author's satisfaction with their own journey and rejection of the corporate rat race highlights the importance of finding a pace and direction that aligns with one's own ambitions and values.

    While it acknowledges the uncertainty of the future, it encourages individuals to take action and not wait for the perfect example or scapegoat. Overall, the article emphasizes the uniqueness of each person's path and the significance of actively seeking experiences and developing habits that contribute to a successful career.


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