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Ongoing armed conflict in Sudan Root Cause

The ongoing armed conflict in Sudan, which erupted in 2023, is a complex interplay of political, ethnic, and economic tensions. The epicenters of this conflict are the capital city, Khartoum, and the Darfur region. The struggle for power and control over resources has fueled the conflict, leading to numerous casualties and widespread displacement of people. The scarcity of vital resources such as water, fertile agricultural land, oil, and minerals has significantly contributed to the conflict. The Nile River, a critical water source, has become a point of contention. The availability of fertile agricultural land has led to intensified competition as the population grows and climate changes. Sudan's significant oil reserves, especially in the South, and the control and distribution of oil revenues have been a source of tension. The Darfur region, rich in various minerals, including gold, has seen conflict over control of these resources. However, it's important to note that thes...

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