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Showing posts with the label investing

Navigating the Rising Tide: Understanding Inflation and the Cost of Living in India's Urban Hubs

 In the bustling markets of India, the price of a simple loaf of white bread, once a mere 15-20 Rs, has doubled to 30-50 Rs in just a few years. This seemingly trivial change is a stark reminder of the escalating cost of living in India's urban centers.  If you find yourself grappling with rising expenses, here are some crucial insights to help you understand and navigate this economic landscape. 1. The Urban Price Surge: Major cities in India are becoming increasingly expensive. With limited land and an influx of capital into the country, land prices are soaring. For instance, construction costs in Goa have risen by approximately 25-30% recently. This increase directly impacts the prices of virtually everything. In the realm of traditional economics, the means of production are defined as Land, Labour, and Capital. When the cost of land escalates, it triggers a domino effect, causing a rise in rent, business costs, and more. While the prices of flats in big cities may not skyrocke

Why my parent stay away from stock markets

The previous generation, our parents, often shied away from investing in the stock markets. Their apprehension was not unfounded, given the financial scandals and economic crises that have rocked the investment world over the years. Here's a closer look at some of these events and their implications: 1. The 1992 Harshad Mehta Scandal: In 1992, (I was in class 12)  the Indian stock market was hit by a colossal scam orchestrated by Harshad Mehta, amounting to 4000 Crore. This scandal caused the stock market to plummet by more than 50%, shaking investor confidence to its core. Example: Imagine an investor who had put their life savings into the stock market before the crash. The value of their investment would have halved almost overnight, causing significant financial distress. In response to this scandal, the Indian government passed the Securities Laws (Amendments) Act in 1995, granting the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) the authority to regulate depositories, Foreig

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The Three Ingredient Cow Dung Brick Formula

Cow Dung Brick Formula 🐮 The Three Ingredient Cow Dung Brick Formula: Lime, Straw, and Gobar 🏠 Cow dung has been used as a traditional building material in India for centuries. They are an eco-friendly 🍃 and affordable 💰 alternative to conventional bricks, made from clay and cement. Cow dung is abundant in rural India, and its use in brick-making provides a sustainable and cost-effective solution to meet the building needs of rural communities. The addition of lime and straw to cow dung helps to improve the strength and durability of the bricks, making them suitable for various applications. In this article, we will explore the three-ingredient cow dung brick recipe, which includes lime, straw, and gobar, and how to tinker 🔧 with the recipe to arrive at the perfect mix. 🎯 The Three-Ingredient Cow Dung Brick Formula: The three-ingredient cow dung brick recipe includes cow dung, lime, and straw. Cow dung is used as the prima

The Eco-Friendly Way to Build: Making Cow Dung Bricks with Biochar and Lime

Build a greener future with biochar and lime-infused cow dung bricks If you're looking for an eco-friendly and sustainable way to build, consider making cow dung bricks. Not only are they a low-cost alternative to traditional fired clay bricks, but they also use waste materials like cow dung and biochar. Biochar is a charcoal-like substance that is made by burning organic materials in the absence of oxygen. It is a byproduct of biomass pyrolysis, a process that turns plant waste into energy. Biochar is known for its high carbon content, which makes it an excellent soil amendment and a potential solution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. To make cow dung bricks with biochar, you will need the following materials: 1)   Cow dung 2)   Biochar 3)   Lime or Chona  4)   Methi water (Water fermented with fenugreek seeds) Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make cow dung bricks using these materials: Mix the cow dung with biochar and lime in a 2:1:1 ratio. The lime acts as a natur

Mastering the Art of Cow Dung Brick Production: Using Pareto Analysis to Eliminate Defects

Pareto Analysis for Cow Dung Brick Production Are you tired of inconsistent results in your cow dung brick production? Learn how to achieve defect-free bricks with the power of Pareto analysis. Kindly read on... Making Cow Dung Bricks Making cow dung bricks can be a challenging task as the quality of the bricks depends on various factors, including the quality of the materials used and the skill level of the person making them. Standardising the recipe for cow dung bricks can also be difficult, especially in the initial stages when you're still learning the process. However, there is a simple method that can help you avoid defects and make high-quality cow dung bricks. Let's explore this method together! The Steps to Achieve High-Quality Cow Dung Bricks Identify the problem: The first step is to identify the problem or issue that needs to be addressed. In the case of cow dung brick production, this could be a recurrin