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The Power of Reflecting back: How it can Improve Your Thought Process

Yes , my reflections on my own life ... 

The adage "age is just a number" is frequently used to characterise people who have achieved much in life despite their elderly years. 🎉 I take comfort in this proverb as I approach my midlife crisis; it serves as a constant reminder that I am not limited by my chronological age. ⏳

I've spent a lot of time thinking and reflecting on how to improve my actions and routines over the course of my life. 💭 While I have had some success in this area, I estimate that 80-90% of my deliberate endeavours have failed. 😔 I've been unable to find happiness in life due to several undesirable behaviours and characteristics of my own.

After giving it some thought, I've come up with a few causes for my difficulties. My inability to get things done quickly, for example, is due in large part to my lack of self-discipline and procrastination. 🤦‍♀️ The fact that I'm too chicken to explore traditional things has also stunted my development. 🐔

The Power of Reflecting back: How it can Improve Your Thought Process

I refuse to let these obstacles stop me from my pursuit of a better version of myself, since I believe that age is nothing more than a number. 💪

Yes , Despite these setbacks, I remain determined to continue striving for self-improvement and growth, embracing the idea that age truly is just a number. 🌟

Here are a few observations from my life from which you can learn on how to become productive in your wisdom. 📚

Dividing your attention can impede your ability to build momentum. This is a reality I have encountered in my personal life and observed in others around me. Many people often conclude that they are incapable of achieving a particular task or skill because it seems challenging. 😔 This is akin to assuming that you are bad at weightlifting because the weights are heavy. 💪 More often than not, persistence and perseverance are all it takes to surmount difficult obstacles.

The struggle to maintain positive habits can be attributed to several factors, such as being too busy, tired, or overwhelmed. However, the most significant impediment to sticking with good habits is our self-image. We often become too attached to a specific version of our identity, which limits our growth potential. The key to personal growth is the willingness to unlearn old beliefs and to upgrade and expand our identities continuously. 🌱

In my experience, writing is an effective tool to gain clarity and improve comprehension. Taking the time to write down complex ideas can help to organise thoughts and facilitate understanding. Unfortunately, many people fail to utilise writing as a means of improving their cognitive abilities. 🤔

To enhance your creativity, it is vital to give yourself more options. If you need ten ideas, come up with thirty, and then select the best ones. This approach provides a distinct advantage in intelligence, as it allows for greater flexibility in problem-solving. According to me, "A person who tinkers and experiments is always more intelligent than typical academicians and scientists." 🔬

I hope it helps



  1. Thank you for sharing your reflections and insights in this blog post. I appreciate your determination to pursue self-improvement and growth, regardless of your age. It's inspiring to see someone embracing the idea that age is just a number and refusing to let setbacks define their journey.

    I resonate with your observations on the challenges of self-discipline and procrastination. These are common struggles that many of us face, regardless of our age. It's important to recognize these behaviors and work on cultivating discipline and overcoming procrastination to achieve our goals.

    Your point about dividing attention resonates with me as well. It's easy to feel overwhelmed when faced with a challenging task or skill, but persistence and perseverance can make a significant difference. I completely agree that our self-image can often limit our growth potential. Embracing personal growth requires us to let go of old beliefs and expand our identities. I also appreciate your emphasis on the power of writing. Writing can be a powerful tool for gaining clarity, organizing thoughts, and improving comprehension.

    Lastly, I agree with your perspective on creativity. Giving ourselves more options and exploring multiple ideas can fuel our creativity and problem-solving abilities.

    Thank you for sharing your experiences and wisdom. Your insights provide valuable lessons for anyone seeking to become more productive, cultivate positive habits, and foster personal growth.


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