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Eating Rock Salt is injuries to your health . Here are reasons why ?

 Consuming rock salt can cause severe harm to your health. The following explains why...

The fact does have some merit. Salt is an important part of our daily diet because it is used to enhance the flavour of food as well as to preserve it. On the other hand, not every kind of salt is the same. The form of salt that is utilised the most is inorganic salt, which is difficult for the human body to absorb. Organic salt is more readily available.


Rock Salt is Killing you slowly

Inorganic salt, commonly known as table salt, is a form of salt that has been through a significant amount of processing and has had its inherent minerals removed. After going through a series of chemical processes and being bleached, all remaining contaminants are removed, leaving only sodium chloride. Although inorganic salt does contain sodium, which is an element that cannot be produced by the human body on its own, it does not contain any of the other critical elements that are found in natural forms of salt, such as pink Himalayan salt or sea salt.

The food that we consume on a daily basis really must include salt. Although it is frequently used for imparting flavour and extending the shelf life of food, not all salts are created equal. The vast majority of the salt that we ingest is inorganic in composition, which means that the human body has a difficult time assimilating it.

Multiple studies have shown that consuming an excessive amount of inorganic salt can have adverse consequences on one's health. These impacts include a rise in one's blood pressure, which can lead to cardiovascular disease, stroke, and other health issues. This is due to the fact that the body has a more difficult time processing and removing inorganic salt, which can result in an excess of sodium being present in the bloodstream.

Some people have turned to employing fermented salt or bioavailable salt as a solution to this problem in order to address it. The process of fermenting natural salt with a liquid such as rice starch or brine results in the production of fermented salt. By going through this process, the salt can be converted into a more accessible form, which makes it simpler for the body to absorb and make use of.

Although salt is an essential part of our diet, we must remember that the kind of salt we eat is just as important as the amount of salt we take in. Inorganic salt is the kind of salt that is used the most frequently, however it is devoid of the essential minerals that are present in natural forms of salt and can have adverse effects on one's health if excessive amounts are taken. A other kind of salt, known as fermented salt or bioavailable salt, is an option that might be better for the body.

One option is to use fermented salt, while another is to utilise bioavailable salt. Salt that has been fermented is more readily bio-available, which means that it is simpler for our bodies to take in. 

When discussing chemistry, the term "organic" refers to something quite different than its common usage. The majority of inorganic compounds do not have carbon inside their structure, in contrast to organic molecules, which have. Because carbon is a component of organic compounds, salt is considered to be an inorganic compound. This is the reason why it is difficult for our bodies to absorb it.

On the other hand, there is a way out of this predicament. 

 When salt is fermented, it goes through a process called enzymatic conversion, which breaks the salt down into smaller molecules that are easier to digest. This makes the salt more palatable. Following this, the body is able to readily absorb these molecules, which results in improved nutritional utilisation brought about by the salt.

Fermented salt has been demonstrated in multiple studies to have a variety of positive effects on one's health, including enhancements to digestion and nutrient absorption, as well as a decreased likelihood of contracting certain diseases. In addition, studies have revealed that fermented salt has a higher mineral content than ordinary salt, making it an option that is superior from a nutritional standpoint.

However, it is essential to point out that despite the fact that fermented salt may be a better option for your health than conventional salt, it should still only be used in small amounts. Even if salt is bioavailable, excessive consumption of it can still have a harmful impact on one's health and lead to conditions such as high blood pressure and heart disease.

There are many different ways to ferment salt, but one popular process involves combining Himalayan rock salt with fermented rice starch. There are many different ways to ferment salt. After the salt has been added to the starch, the mixture is left to sit undisturbed for a few days so that the fermentation process can take place. The fermented salt that is produced as a byproduct of this process can then be utilised in cooking or as a substitute for conventional salt.

Never forget that the assertion that fermenting salt renders it accessible and easily absorbable by the body is true, and that there is scientific proof to support this claim. 

However, use of any and all forms of salt should be done so in moderation and as part of a diet that is well-rounded.

Remember !

It is true that salt is not one of our key sources of nutrition, and that we ought to restrict the amount of this substance that we take in. Although salt is an essential component of the food we eat, eating too much of it can have adverse consequences on our health, including contributing to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular issues.

Salt is an inorganic chemical, and as such, it is not readily digestible by the human body because it does not include any organic components. Fermenting salt, however, can make it more bioavailable, which means that our systems can more easily absorb the minerals that are included within the salt. This was noted earlier.

Salt should be consumed in moderation, just like any other component of our diet, and we should make sure that we are obtaining all of the necessary nutrients by eating a diet that is well-rounded. Salt has the ability to improve the flavour of food while also helping to preserve it; nonetheless, we have to be cautious of the amount of salt we take in and look for alternatives whenever we have the chance.

In the form of scientific studies and medical research, one might locate documentary evidence pertaining to the topic. Because excessive salt consumption has been related to high blood pressure and other health concerns, the World Health Organisation advises keeping daily salt consumption to less than 5 grammes, as this is the amount that is recommended. 

In addition, the American Heart Association advises consumers to adhere to a similar restriction on the amount of salt they consume and to select low-sodium alternatives whenever they have a choice.

The fermentation of salt is a straightforward procedure that can even be done at home. Only 150–200 grammes of Himalayan rock salt and one litre of fermented rice starch are required. Simply add the salt to the starch until it achieves saturation, then transfer the mixture to a container that will keep air out and let it sit for seven days. Following a period of seven days, the solution can be used in place of ordinary salt.

To manufacture fermented rice starch, you need only separate the rice starch when the rice is cooking and then ferment the starch with chilli crowns or fenugreek seeds. This mixture should be maintained for at least a day, although the exact amount of time will vary depending on the conditions.

The Ayurvedic principles that were used in the creation of fermented salt, also known as BioSalt, are listed below. It is a natural alternative to normal table salt that is far better for your health and can help you lead a healthier lifestyle. You can guarantee that your body is receiving the key nutrients it needs to function correctly by making this straightforward adjustment to your diet.

The consumption of salt is necessary to sustain human life.  However, our bodies aren't able to readily absorb every type of salt. By fermenting salt, we can make it more accessible to our bodies and guarantee that they are receiving all of the nutrients that they require. 

You may take a step towards leading a healthier lifestyle by making your own fermented salt at home with the help of the straightforward recipe that was provided for you above.

In the event that you do not possess fermented rice solution, you can use: 

The following are some substitutes for fermented rice starch that can be utilised in the production of bio-salt:

Whey is the liquid that is leftover after cheese or yoghurt has been made, and when it is fermented, it is called fermented whey. It is possible to ferment it with lactobacillus bacteria in order to produce a liquid that is tart and sour and that can be used to ferment salt.

Fermented vegetables: Almost any type of vegetable can be fermented, and the liquid that is produced after the fermentation process can be utilised to ferment salt. Pickles, kimchi, and sauerkraut are some of the most well-known options.

The fermentation process for making kombucha involves adding a SCOBY, or symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast, to sweetened tea. Kombucha is a type of fermented tea. The liquid that is produced can be utilised in the fermentation of salt.

Fruit juice can be fermented in the presence of yeast and bacteria to produce a sour and tangy liquid that can be utilised in the fermentation of salt. This process works with any type of fruit juice.

Do not forget that the most important step in the process of fermenting salt is to provide an atmosphere that is suitable for the multiplication of lactobacillus bacteria. Any of the aforementioned options, along with a plethora of others, can be utilised to accomplish this goal. Experimenting to find out which approach is most successful for you is the most important thing to do.

Activated/Bio Salt is an alternative to regular salt that can be used in place of regular salt in one's regular salt consumption.Because it has a high concentration of micronutrients and a high level of microbial activity, it functions similarly to probiotics and makes it simpler for the gut to digest food and maintain a state of contentment for a longer period of time. 


  1. Thank you for sharing information about the potential harm of consuming rock salt and the benefits of fermented salt. It's crucial to raise awareness about the different types of salt and their impact on our health.

    You rightly point out that not all salts are created equal. Inorganic salt, such as table salt, undergoes extensive processing, resulting in the removal of essential minerals found in natural forms of salt like pink Himalayan salt or sea salt.

    Fermented salt, on the other hand, offers a more bioavailable form of salt that the body can readily absorb and utilize. The fermentation process breaks down the salt into smaller molecules, making it easier for digestion and improving nutrient absorption.

    You provide helpful suggestions for making fermented salt at home using different ingredients like fermented rice starch, whey, fermented vegetables, kombucha, or fruit juice.

    Overall, your article highlights the importance of being mindful of the type and amount of salt we consume. By choosing healthier alternatives like fermented salt and practicing moderation, we can support our well-being and maintain a balanced diet.

    Thank you for sharing this valuable information and promoting healthier choices in salt consumption.

  2. The concept of fermented salt or bioavailable salt presents both pros and cons. On the positive side, fermented salt offers the potential for enhanced nutrient absorption. The process of fermenting salt breaks it down into smaller, more digestible molecules, making it easier for the body to absorb essential minerals.

    This can result in improved digestion and utilization of nutrients. Additionally, studies suggest that fermented salt may have a higher mineral content compared to ordinary salt, offering potential health benefits.

    However, it is crucial to exercise caution and moderation when using any form of salt, including fermented salt. Excessive salt consumption, even in bioavailable form, can still have detrimental effects on health, such as high blood pressure and heart disease. It is important to remember that salt should be part of a well-rounded diet and consumed in appropriate quantities.

    Additionally, the process of fermenting salt may require specific ingredients or techniques, making it less accessible or practical for some individuals. As with any dietary change, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.


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