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Male libido might be lowered by a woman's tears.

 Ye s, it is true ,,,,

Male libido might be lowered by a woman's tears. 

I was listening to the Andre Huberman Podcast and this is what I learned 

Yes, typically, we cry when we're unhappy 😢 , hurt 🤕, or frustrated 😭. Nevertheless, what happens when a male catches the scent of a woman's tears? 

Chemicals in tears can cause a biological reaction and potentially alter the biology of others, according to studies.

In his podcast, neuroscientist Andrew Huberman speculates that this behaviour has a pheromonal basis. Yet, he cites a number of scholarly publications since 2009 that discuss tears to back up his argument.

One study had males sniff samples of tears gathered from crying women, and the results were reported in the journal Physiology and Behavior. 

Both testosterone 🧩 and brain regions 🧠 involved in sexual desire were significantly reduced in the men. 

This data reveals that men's bodies can have a powerful biochemical and hormonal reaction to a woman's tears.

It's worth noting that the study only used tears triggered by grief 🙇 ; whether or not other emotions would have similar results is unknown. 

Lastly, the study only included male participants, and research on how women react to men's tears is still in its infancy.

The study of tears and their effects on other people is fascinating, notwithstanding these caveats. This demonstrates that tears 😂 have more than simply an emotional influence on people around us; they can also have a physiological one.

It must be noted that one of the benefits of such research along these lines can shed light on how our emotions and relationships are wired chemically 🧪 and biologically. They can also shed light on how tears are used as a nonverbal form of communication between people.

The studies have certain caveats, such as their limited sample sizes, homogeneous participant pools, and the difficulty in removing potential biases. Tears and other emotional responses can be interpreted quite differently depending on context, culture, and even gender.

The results of these investigations have important implications for areas including counselling, therapy, and interpersonal relationships. They can also be applied to the creation of technology and goods that simulate the physiological consequences of tears.

One intriguing takeaway from this research is that men have a more pronounced biochemical and hormonal response to women's tears than women do. A further intriguing discovery is that pheromones, substances found in tears, can influence the actions of other people.

As a whole, the study of tears sheds fascinating light on the dynamic interplay between biology, psychology, and interpersonal connections 👨‍❤️‍👨 . There are still many mysteries surrounding human emotions and interactions, but these research are bringing us closer to understanding them.



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