The Meta Wave: The Next Stage of Technological Innovation** Alvin Toffler, a futurist, proposed the concept of waves of technological innovation in his book named "The Third Wave." According to him, Each wave builds on the foundation laid by the one that came before it. We are currently in the midst of the Information Wave, but a new wave is on the horizon: The Meta Wave. The First Wave was characterized by agrarian civilizations and the use of manual labour. The Second Wave was characterized by industrialization and mass manufacturing. The Third Wave, which began in the 1960s, is characterized by the service industry and the information age. The Information Wave has been made possible by the proliferation of the internet and portable electronic gadgets, which have given us access to an unprecedented amount of information. The Meta Wave is the next stage of technological innovation...
Cow Dung Brick Formula 🐮 The Three Ingredient Cow Dung Brick Formula: Lime, Straw, and Gobar 🏠 Cow dung has been used as a traditional building material in India for centuries. They are an eco-friendly 🍃 and affordable 💰 alternative to conventional bricks, made from clay and cement. Cow dung is abundant in rural India, and its use in brick-making provides a sustainable and cost-effective solution to meet the building needs of rural communities. The addition of lime and straw to cow dung helps to improve the strength and durability of the bricks, making them suitable for various applications. In this article, we will explore the three-ingredient cow dung brick recipe, which includes lime, straw, and gobar, and how to tinker 🔧 with the recipe to arrive at the perfect mix. 🎯 The Three-Ingredient Cow Dung Brick Formula: The three-ingredient cow dung brick recipe includes cow dung, lime, and straw. Cow dung is used as the prima...