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The Urgent Need for Peace and Justice in Manipur: A Shameful Reality


In recent times, the people of Manipur have been witnessing distressing scenes of naked women being paraded, openly molested, and raped by hooligans. This shocking display of violence and degradation highlights the utter failure of law and order in the region. As concerned citizens, we are appalled and deeply saddened by these acts, which are not only an embarrassment but also a disgrace to our nation, our culture, and our society. It is high time for the political class to rise above their self-interests and find a solution to the Manipur issue, putting an end to such heinous crimes.


The Failure of Law and Order:

The video footage capturing the heinous acts against women in Manipur has brought to light the alarming state of lawlessness prevailing in the region. It is a sad reality that the people are losing patience and faith in the ability of the political class to address the situation effectively. The inability to ensure the safety and security of its citizens is a grave failure on the part of the authorities entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining law and order.

Shameful Realities and Vote Bank Politics: 

The incidents of violence and abuse in Manipur should serve as a wake-up call for politicians across party lines. This is not the time for vote bank politics or empty promises; it is a time for action and accountability. The plight of the people who have become refugees in their own country is a shameful reality that cannot be ignored. It is imperative for politicians to come together, set aside their differences, and work towards restoring peace, justice, and dignity to the affected region.

Prayers for Peace and Love: 

In the face of such distressing events, let us turn to prayers and appeal to the divine powers that govern our country. May they take notice of the dire situation in Manipur and inspire our political leaders to take meaningful and useful actions that can bring about peace and love in the region. Prayer, coupled with concrete actions, has the power to create positive change and instill hope in the hearts of the affected people.


The scenes of naked women being paraded, molested, and raped in Manipur have exposed the deep-rooted issues of violence and lawlessness in the region. This shameful reality demands immediate attention and action from the political class. It is time to prioritize the well-being and safety of the people above all else. Let us collectively condemn such acts, demand justice, and work towards a society where peace, dignity, and respect prevail. Together, we can bring about the much-needed transformation and ensure a brighter and safer future for Manipur.


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