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Sentic Computing - A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Sentiment Analysis

Basic Introduction to Sentic Computing:

Sentic computing is an interdisciplinary field that combines affective computing (emotions and feelings) and commonsense computing to analyze sentiments and opinions on the web effectively.

Its goal is to enhance the recognition, interpretation, and processing of sentiments by leveraging computer science and social science techniques.

Key Models and Resources:

a) The Hourglass of Emotions:

The Hourglass of Emotions is a popular model used in sentic computing. It represents emotions as a hierarchy, ranging from basic emotions (e.g., joy, anger) to complex emotions (e.g., love, guilt). This model helps in understanding the relationships and transitions between different emotional states.

b) Sentic Patterns:

Sentic Patterns are linguistic patterns or templates that capture the expression of sentiments in text.They are useful for sentiment analysis as they provide a way to identify and extract sentiment-related information from text. For example, a pattern like "I feel X about Y" can indicate a sentiment where X is the emotion and Y is the target entity.

c) AffectiveSpace:  

AffectiveSpace is a resource in sentic computing that represents the semantics of words in terms of emotions. It associates each word with a vector in a high-dimensional emotion space, capturing its emotional connotation. This resource helps in determining the emotional content of words and can be used for sentiment analysis tasks.

d) SenticNet: 

SenticNet is another valuable resource used in sentic computing. It is a semantic network that links concepts with their associated polarity (positive, negative, or neutral) and emotions. SenticNet provides a knowledge base for sentiment analysis by associating sentiments with words and concepts.

Algorithms in Sentic Computing:

a) Sentic LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation):

Sentic LDA is an algorithm that combines topic modeling (LDA) with sentic patterns to analyze sentiments in text documents. It identifies topics and sentiment-related information simultaneously, providing a comprehensive understanding of text content.

b) Sentic LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory):

Sentic LSTM is a variant of the popular LSTM recurrent neural network architecture, specifically designed for sentiment analysis.It utilizes the power of deep learning to capture the sequential dependencies in text and extract sentiment information.

Applications and Use Cases:

a) Sentic PROMs (Patient-Reported Outcome Measures):

Sentic PROMs leverage sentic computing techniques to analyze patient-reported outcomes in healthcare.By analyzing sentiments expressed by patients in their reports, healthcare providers can gain insights into patient experiences, satisfaction, and emotional well-being.

b) Sentic Album:

Sentic Album is an application that employs sentic computing for sentiment-based music recommendation. By understanding users' emotional states and preferences, Sentic Album recommends songs that match their mood or desired emotional experience.

Case Studies: 

a) Sentiment Analysis in Social Media: 

Sentic computing can be applied to analyze sentiments expressed on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook.  By using models, resources, and algorithms from sentic computing, researchers and companies can understand public sentiment towards specific topics or brands.

b) Opinion Mining in Product Reviews:

Sentic computing techniques can be utilized to extract sentiments from product reviews and feedback. By analyzing the sentiments expressed by customers, businesses can gain valuable insights into product satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

Future Directions and Challenges:

Sentic computing is a rapidly evolving field with ongoing research and development. 

Future directions may include improving the accuracy and granularity of sentiment analysis, incorporating multimodal data (text, images, audio), and exploring new domains such as virtual reality and augmented reality.


Sentic computing is a powerful approach to sentiment analysis that combines computer science and social science to better recognize, interpret, and process opinions and sentiments. By leveraging models, resources, algorithms, and applications from sentic computing, researchers and practitioners can gain valuable insights into sentiment-related information across various domains.

I hope this basic introduction helps you understand the concepts, models, resources, algorithms, and applications associated with sentic computing.

 If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!


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