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Root Cause Analysis: 2023 Las Anod conflict

 Hello there! 

So, I've been looking into the 2023 Las Anod conflict and wanted to share with you what I found. According to various media reports and sources, it seems like there's a root cause analysis we can do to better understand what happened.

Oh, did you know that Las Anod has been under Somaliland's control since 2007? They actually kicked out the Puntland army from the regional capital with the help of local militia. Oh wow, it's been reported that the security situation in Somaliland has gotten worse. According to the Raad Peace Research Institute, around 120 important clan and community leaders have been assassinated in the city between 2007 and 2022.

So in December 2022, there were a bunch of civil demonstrations and unrest happening in the Sool region. People were feeling like they were being left out of the political process in Somaliland, and that's what was driving all the commotion. Oh, did you hear about the protests? They started because of the death of Abdifatah Abdulli Hadrawi, who was a well-liked politician in the Waddani opposition party.

In  December 2022, it becomes terrible..,  when the big protest happened in Las Anod, the security forces in Somaliland did a violent crackdown on the protestors and sadly, 20 people lost their lives. Hey, did you hear about the talks between Somaliland troops? They decided to retreat from the city and head back to their Sool outposts to avoid any more violence.

So, on February 6, 2023, the Dhulbahante clan elders announced that they plan to create a state government called "SSC-Khatumo" within the Federal Government of Somalia. Hey, did you hear about the fighting that happened earlier today in Las Anod? Somaliland troops and Dhulbahante militias were involved.

Then, things got pretty intense when different militias started backing up the Las Anod unionist movement. The conflict definitely escalated from there. Wow, that's really sad. Did you know that over 300 people have lost their lives and between 153,000-203,000 refugees have been displaced due to the conflict?

 Did you hear about the report that Amnesty International released in late April? They accused the Somaliland government forces of committing war crimes and violating human rights against civilians. It's pretty concerning.

So, both sides are saying that there are external actors involved in Las Anod. So, the Somaliland foreign ministry is saying that they're currently battling some foreign armed groups on the Las Anod side. These groups include the Somali National Army, Puntland Security Force, Liyu Police fighters, Al-Shabaab fighters, and southern Somali states. So, the Dhulbahante clan is saying that the Somaliland side brought in Djiboutian National Police officers and Chinese weapons that were smuggled through Djibouti.

So basically, the conflict started because of historical control and political marginalisation, and things got worse when protests were violently suppressed, people wanted to form a separate state, and there were accusations of outside interference. Wow, the situation sounds really tough. It seems like there have been a lot of human rights violations and a big humanitarian crisis as a result of the conflict.

In nutshell., the conflict has resulted in significant human rights violations and humanitarian crises. The conflict has drawn international attention and calls for de-escalation and peace talks.


  1. The blog provides a superficial overview of the 2023 Las Anod conflict without delving into the complexities and underlying causes of the situation. While it briefly mentions the historical control and political marginalization as factors contributing to the conflict, it fails to provide a comprehensive analysis or context.

    Furthermore, the blog lacks depth in discussing the various perspectives and interests of the parties involved. It merely highlights the accusations made by both sides regarding external actors without providing any analysis or evidence to support these claims. This omission leaves the reader with an incomplete understanding of the situation.

    Overall, the blog provides a cursory overview of the conflict, relying on limited information. It lacks critical analysis, depth, and context needed to truly understand the complexities of the Las Anod conflict. A more comprehensive and balanced examination of the situation would greatly enhance the reader's understanding of this important issue.

  2. The 2023 Las Anod conflict is a deeply concerning and complex situation with severe implications for human rights and humanitarian conditions. The root causes, including historical control and political marginalization, have fueled grievances and unrest among the population. The violent crackdown on protests and the subsequent formation of the SSC-Khatumo state government have escalated tensions, leading to clashes between Somaliland troops and Dhulbahante militias.The involvement of external actors and the allegations of war crimes and human rights violations further compound the already dire situation. The significant loss of life and the displacement of a large number of people highlight the urgent need for de-escalation and peace talks. It is crucial for the international community to take notice and engage in efforts to address the conflict, promote accountability, and alleviate the humanitarian crisis.


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